Nutrition & Supplements
Knowing the worth of dietary supplements
Dietary supplements seem to be the buzzword in everyone's lips. Most of us are routinely interrupted by our screens propounding the need for health supplements. And many of us are on an eternal quest to find that magic supplement that fills those gaps we seem to have evolved in our fitness and health status. So let us see what these supplements really are.
Following the sudden onslaught of the pandemic and its impact in our lives, our fitness and health seems to be constantly being challenged in trying to find a balance between food intake, nutrition and supplements.
These supplements are nothing but familiar terms we are acquainted with that include vitamins, minerals, herbs, probiotics, and amino acids. They are packaged and are available as pills, powders, gummies, powders, liquids and bars that you can chew, swallow or drink.
Dietary supplements are mostly taken to fill the nutritional gaps in our diets. People also opt for different types of supplements for wellness targets or to genuinely build resistance to infections and build immunity,
So why do we need to take them?
Supplements are prescribed often or voluntarily taken as they
Provide nutrients which is not enough from our diet
Raises the nutrient levels in case of deficiencies
Supports fitness, immunity, and helps in reaching wellness targets
Is an alternative therapeutic option
Complements mainstream medicine
Improves bone development, mental health, increase cognitive and memory function
Reduces fatigue and promotes energy
Promotes healthy metabolism
Improves mental and cardiovascular health

Of course anything is an overkill and one has to maintain a delicate balance in what to take and how much. Taking them voluntarily has its own responsibility. It is best to take them in consummation with medical doctors, diet experts and wellness professionals so that they enhance your overall wellness and not be the cause to put your health at potential risk. It should not be a fad but should contribute to making our bodies function better.
Dietary supplements are many and address a wide canvas of health conditions and requirements. They may be vitamin A to zinc and recommended for-
Specific health condition: You might be a bit low in your bone health and might be prescribed Vit D and calcium. Also for age related muscle fitness and agility, you might want to take Vitamin C, E and zinc.
For better sleep and fitness :To get sounder sleep and greater fitness there are multi vitamins and minerals as well as probiotics available that boost overall health, immunity and mental health.
As an preventive: People often take supplements as a preventive rather than a curative, Pregnant women take folate supplements for healthy development of unborn fetus. Also small doses of multivitamin supplement have been seen to have lessened the incidence of cataracts and cancers among men.
To conclude dietary supplements may be beneficial to many physical and mental health states and is seen as a source of strengthening our overall wellness.
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